The cold kiss

Snow! Snow! Snow! I saw three snow flakes today! *woot*

"No more talk of darkness, forget these child-like fears. I'm here; no one can harm you; my words will sooth and calm you."

I'm feeling random. wow.

I love the winter. It's so constant, and... and... and... big. Yes, that's it... big. No, it's huge! It's enormous! It surrounds me! It engulfs me! As I step outside, it wraps its icy arms around me and kisses me passionately, but not warmly. It walks with me. It reveals itself in every breath, every word, every flash of the eye.

Then I step inside -- into the warmth and comfort of friends and hot chocolate. The heat slaps me in the face and chokes me. So many people! So much noise! So little room! I can't breathe! The cold gets jealous and stings my nose as the heat attempts to replace it.

I want to run! I want to slip out the back door... into my cold... into my darkness... into peace. I want a kiss.

I think I love the cold because it warms my heart. I love the winter.

Why am I so scared of people? People are loud... and cold... and warm. They suffocate me. I love the winter.

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