The Contact

"The Spirit of God whets our appetite by giving us a taste of what's ahead. He puts a little heaven in our hearts so that we'll never settle for less."
2 Corinthians 5:3-5

I read this in "a-good-thing"s diary. I love this translation (not sure what it is).

I desire a house. A career. A child. And I feel the Lord whetting my appetite for those things.

I'm completely content where we are now. But I do have a desire for more. Not more material things. Rather, more life. A greater quality of life. "Jesus came to give us life, and more abundantly." I know God has greater things in store for us. But I also know that we are where we are supposed to be right now. I'm just in love with that verse. It's exactly where the Lord has me. I love it!

Also... I think I may have made that "contact." I'm not sure, but it does seem to make sense.

Last Saturday morning I was working at the agency. Doing filing and whatnot. GB was meeting some people here so that they could all ride together to the tailgate party. One couple arrived early and decided to come into the agency to use the restroom.

I introduced myself, said "make yourself at home," etc. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Well... it turns out this was a general sales manager for the region next to ours. Basically, GB's old boss.

Then, out of the blue, he starts talking to me about starting my own agency. He says that I could do the mentoring program, but he thinks it would be better for me to start a new agency. Apparently, Nationwide has all sorts of incentives and bonuses for starting an agency. And they look, in particular, for young agents. I said I would love to start my own agency, and that I'm bilingual. So an agency focused on latino business would be my goal. He said that's awesome because that is the fastest growing market in this area.

yada yada yada

They left. I thought, "nice couple." Whatever.

The next Monday, we all went out for an office lunch, and GB & FB started talking about how this guy was "so impressed" with our conversation. Then GB said, "Boy, you really pulled the wool over his eyes. hahaha." And that was it.

Well, later that day, I found out that our current sales manager, the guy who would be the one to give me an agency, was called up for active duty (in the reserves). And guess who is taking over our region????? The guy I met on Saturday!!! The guy that was so impressed, and wanted me to get an agency, is now the guy that will determine whether or not I get one!

Then my mom saw FB at a baby shower on Saturday, and FB was all upset because, according to her conversation with this guy, I'm "going to be leaving the agency" and "abondoning" them.

I never even brought it up with the guy! He just started talking about it!

Soooo... I'm thinking maybe this was the Lord's "contact." Brandon and I were talking about it yesterday morning after we woke up.

We said that it would be cool to start our own. He could do sales and financial advising, and I could to the insurance.

Oh, by the way... the time line - two to three years.

Amazing! Right? We will have our own business, making good money, by the time we are 25. And it's all because of the Lord's favor.

The best part of all? If we own the business, then there is no "boss" there to tell us when we can and can't take off. If we want to have kids? No problem! We'll have a nursery in the office, and B will always be there if I need to take a few days off for the baby. Starlite!? Okay! We can cut out early on the days we need to be at the schools. (I know this because my boss leaves early all the time.)

It's such an incredible thing!

So... yes, I think the Lord did arrange this contact. Although, I suppose only time will tell.

In the meantime, I need to get back to work. It's easier doing my job here, knowing that it's not all the Lord has planned for me. I won't always be a paper pusher.

We shall see. We shall see.

I'll write later about C's pregnancy! *yay*

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