Hurried Entry

Class starts in 10 minutes, and I haven't done my reading. Stupid slow computer wouldn't load it fast enough. Oh well... another day of slacking. It's sad how used to that I am.

Dieting is going well today. I've only had 1 cup of coffee and two pieces of gum. Unfortunately, the coffee had 1/2 and 1/2 in it, and the gum was not sugar free. Oh well. It's better than a loaded breakfast and candy (that, by the way, is left over from last night and is sitting at my house right now). So, if I could just NOT pig out when I get home, everything will be dandy.

I have had chilly the last three nights for supper. I'm kind of sick of it. Maybe a bag of low fat popcorn for dinner... no lunch. That's good.

I've lost 5 lbs. Down to 225 now. How sad is that? I'm DOWN to 225. That has got to be the saddest thing I've ever heard.

But that's okay... by swimsuit season, I'll be one hot tomale. If I can lose 8 lbs a month (that's 2 lbs a week) then I will be down to 175-180 by June. That's where I was for my wedding... and then I can keep going from there.

I was looking at my wedding pictures. C and I were about the same size at my wedding. How weird is that? She is so tiny now... and look at me.

It's encouraging, though. It lets me know that I CAN be as small as she is.

I'm going to do it this time.

I have to do it.

I'm miserable.

The good news... I had to safety pin my pants today to keep them on. *yay*

Six minutes to class. I suppose I should run.

I'm giving a speech today: "Mel Gibson's apologia/defense of 'The Passion of the Christ'".

Good stuff. Good stuff.

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