The sunbeam

It is amazing to me how much the weather affects my mood.

Something about the mist and the clouds and the dark skies and the sappy Christmas music... it all makes me kind of sad.


I love the cold. I love the rain. But I hate the cold rain. I either want warm rain or cold sun.

Today's combination is lethal. Blah.

Sorry... I know, I'm complaining. Life is just suddenly getting really stressful.

This HUGE contract still has not gone through, and you can literally cut the tension with a knife here in the office.

HAHA! Sorry... I have to stop here...

As I'm typing this depressing entry, the sun comes out. Seriously. Like about two seconds ago.

Thank you, God... for even a moment of sunlight. You always know what I need, and I really believe that little spurt of sunlight was just for me.

Sorry if I don't appreciate all you do for me. You are amazing.

I think I'll stop complaining now.

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