Oh the humanity!

Sometimes I don't understand humanity.

I don't know why a person who has been deeply wounded and denied love would then turn and wound another and withold love.

I don't understand why being in pain makes one want to cause others pain.

I don't understand why society excuses it, saying, "He can't help it. He had a rough childhood."

I'm not saying they are wrong. I'm simply saying that I don't understand.

WHY is it okay to use your pain as an excuse to cause pain?

Shouldn't we hold those to a higher standard - the ones who have been hurt and neglected?

If you cause someone pain - through neglect or abuse witholding love - but you yourself have never had pain inflicted upon you, I could see possibly excusing that, claiming, "You don't realize what you are doing because you have never been on the other end."

But for somebody who KNOWS what it is to live without love, for the person who has been abused or neglected - they should know better than to inflict that upon somebody else! They know the pain, and they know what they are doing when they thrust it upon others.

Do you see what I mean? When did a bad childhood become an excuse to abuse your children?

If you were abused, you should know better than to abuse!

Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm not being understanding enough. Maybe it is more complex than I am making it.

Then again, maybe not.

What do you think?

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