The Conception?

Something else happened last night... kind of interesting.

This may be TMI for some readers... just a warning.

B and I were... you know.

And, normally, he will stop at some point to "protect" himself, and me, from pregnancy.

But last night, he said he needed to... but never did.

In the past, if that has happened, he would pull out at the last minute.

That didn't happen either.

Afterwards, we talked about it.

Me - "It's okay. I think ovulation starts 10 - 12 days after a period. This is only 8 days. I may not even have an egg yet."

Him - "Yeah, but the way your cycles have been going, who knows what could happen."

Me - "I really think it'll be okay."

Him - "I guess we'll see."

And then he pulled me close to him and drifted into sleep.

Does he WANT a baby right now?

I mean, the way he acted makes me wonder. He didn't seemed bothered at all about what happened, and he even acted more lovey-dovey towards me after it was done.


I didn't want one before. I REALLY didn't want one. I wanted to wait until I was at LEAST 27.

But after last month, and that one evening with me "the baby" and the Holy Spirit, I think I DO want one.

It's like this: before, I ABSOLUTELY didn't want one. I would have FREAKED OUT if I had actually been pregnant.

But now, I have a TOTAL peace about it either way.

And B had that dream (see previous entries) that made him want a baby more than ever.

And so I wonder if this is God's way of telling us that it's time...

... or am I reading too much into this.

Either way, what's done is done.

Implantation bleeding is suppose to happen 6-12 days after ovulation.

We'll see what happens.

In the meantime, I'm going to take extra-special care of myself.

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