My Darling B

And good morning to you, my dears.

Not too much to say today.

I'm working until lunch, then skipping town to go baby shopping with C at the outlets. Great fun. Great fun.

But that is not what this entry is about. This little blurb is about my wonderful husband.

Let me tell you about this week, just to give you a glimpse of how wonderful he really is:

I told him C was coming to town, and talking about where everybody was going to sleep. We don't have a guest bedroom. I was wondering if she would be more comfortable on the couch or on the air mattress. Or maybe she should just sleep in the guest room at my mom's house. Then B offered, VOLUNTEERED, to give up his side of the bed so that she would be more comfortable (being 7 months pregnant and all). So now we two pregnant ladies are getting a wonderful night's rest with our snoogles, while he sleeps on the couch. Granted, it also has given him a wonderful excuse to spend the night at the "bachelor pad" the last couple nights. Still, how sweet is that?

Then, last night, we were all talking about C and I going to the outlets. I said, "Well, my work is closer than the house. So, honey, can you take me to work and then C can just bring the car over when she's ready to go?" No problem.

Then I remembered... today is his ONLY day off this week. His ONLY chance to sleep in. And he is coming to pick ME up at the house at 7:20am to take me to work... so that I don't have to drive an extra 20 minutes this afternoon. He takes care of me.

But the thing that has really struck me as amazing has just occurred over this last week. You see, since the pregnancy began, B has not been terribly vocal about how he feels about the whole thing. I don't pressure him because, for him, with any big change, he needs time to process before he talks. And this is the biggest change for us to experience thus far in our marriage. So I figured it would take him a while to process everything.

But here is what I am realizing...

I don't think it really hit him that we were actually going to have a baby...

Until this past week, that is. Suddenly, in the last 7-10 days, my belly has just popped right out. I actually LOOK pregnant. And he LOVES it!

I say, "How do I look?"

He says, "Beautiful."

I say, "Do I look fat?"

He smiles and says, "No, you look pregnant. It's pretty."


Then, more than once in the last week, he has rubbed my belly and almost whispered, "I'm so excited."

And he tells other people how excited he is.

If they ask what he thinks about the whole thing, he says, "I can't wait." And then he smiles and looks into my eyes.

And I realize there may be those of you out there who are completely rolling their eyes at all this.

But you have to remember... six months ago, I would have died before I brought a baby into this marriage.

Not that he's abusive or anything like that. On the contrary, he was the opposite. He was completely closed off to me. No communication. Little love. Just God holding us together.

And what a contrast to today! What a miraculous transformation that God has worked!

I can't imagine being happier with anyone else. There is no one else. Just B.

And God did that. I know.

And that is why B amazes me that much more. He's not just a husband that loves me. He is a Godly man, that loves the Lord, and leads our family as such.

I can't wait for him to be a dad. He'll be the best.

And so that's all I have to say today.

He's amazing. Absolutely amazing.

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