Thursday Already?

Is it Thursday already?

Where has this week gone?

So, we're having a bday party for B next Sumday. Although you wouldn't know it, looking at my house right now.

We still have boxes everywhere. No curtains up. No decorations. You have to walk through a maze of unpacked items just to get from one room to another. And I have three days to get everything in order.

But it's oooooooooootay! Honestly, all that is left is the dining room/ computer room and the baby's room.

The baby's room will have to wait until after the party because I simply don't have enough room.

As for the dining room... *sigh*... it's the most difficult room... because it's the "I-don't-know-what-to-do-with-this-box-so-I'll-just-put-it-in-here" room.

But, my computer desk came in yesterday. *woot*

So that will help me a WHOLE lot!

Okay... sorry for the boring entry. My life is one loooooooong to-do list right now. It's just about all I can think about.


B and I were in charge of youth group last night. Both of our pastors were out of the country on a mission trip, and we were left with twenty-or-so middle school and high school kids. I, being six months pregnant, did not even feel like going.

I haven't been going for about a month now because of everything that has been going on. I told Pastor A that I needed time to take care of my family first. And that is what I have been doing.

Anyways... so I basically left everything up to B... something I have NEVER done before when it comes to the youth.

He decided he would lead worship, and his dad (FIL) would come give his testimony.

It went really REALLY well.

We did the announcements together. The whole group played a mutant form of the game dodgeball - which B made up - which was also VERY fun.

Then we started worship... and you know what? B is REALLY GOOD! I mean, he played guitar and sang... and even did harmony with the other vocalist! He realized that there were songs that he was not the best at, and so he let the other girl sing them (something BJ never does). He just did a wonderful job!

He was still cute little B when he dropped his pick and tried to keep strumming with his fingers.

I ran up and gave it to him.

Later that night, while we were re-hashing the night, he told me when he saw me coming up "it was like an angel coming to rescue me." hehe... too cute.

Anyways... FIL gave his testimony, which I have never heard before. It was really sweet. Then everybody went home.

Overall, it was a really good night. I'm teaching youth this Sunday, and then the youth pastors are back.

After service last night, Pastor A's wife and her friend came up to B and said "You are so annointed! Are you going to be a youth pastor?"

YES! I would have said "YES!"

But... modest B... said "I don't know. I'm going to be a teacher first. That's at least a good start, right?"

hehe... anyways... I guess I should get back to work now.

New girl is REALLY good. I'm so thankful to have someone who will do her job and do it right! *yay*


Toodle Pip

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