Blah Blah Blah

Hello, friends.

Not too much going on today.

B is taking his final exam for that god-awful class. Please pray that he passes it.

He got up early this morning to study. I got up when he did (around 6:15am) and made him pancakes.

Who's a good little wife? *me*


But then, after smelling them, I didn't want to eat any. *shrug* oh well... yet another bagel.


Tonight I am going out with MIL to finish registering at Toys'R'Us. I'm a little apprehensive about the whole thing. While she is a sweet lady, I always come away from our conversations feeling slightly inferior.

I use Febreeze in my house - that's bad, according to her.
Her house is always clean.
She always eats super-healthy.

And she talks about it all... a lot.

I don't know. Like I said, she's a sweet lady. And I'm sure she doesn't mean to make me feel this way. But perhaps that is just the fate of the DIL/MIL relationship, eh?

I do enjoy talking with her more than with FIL. He confuses me and always ends up twisting my words around.

*drama drama drama*

But, I'm determined to have a good time and not get too stressed out. Who knows? It could turn out to be a good evening.

In other news... we are FINALLY going to clean out the baby's room this week. That means that we can bring the furniture in next week. *woot*

I've been thinking a lot about the time after the baby comes.

I'm actually quite excited... mainly about getting my body back. You see, last Christmas, I got a bunch of money and went out and bought myself a new fall/winter wardrobe.

But, alas, I got pregnant in January, and started popping out so fast, I barely got to wear any of the stuff I bought. So as soon as I lose this belly of mine, it's like Christmas all over again! New clothes and all!

I'm also looking forward to the cooler weather. Little baby sweaters and hats and cute fuzzy outfits that make everybody want to hold her... how fun is that?

You see, I still can't think too much about being a mom and about how this little person will be relying on me for 100% of everything... But what I can get excited about is having a baby in the house, and playing with it like a doll.

Immature? Perhaps. But it's what's getting me through right now.

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