Kelly Clarkson's dream stalker

Finally, an entry, eh?

Things are just chugging along here in the hot humid south. I have my first shower this Sunday, and I have nothing to wear. *shrugs* I've been to every store in Athens, but they all are putting out their fall and winter stuff already.

I want to say, "Um, helloooooooo? It's Georgia. It's August. We won't have our first frost for another two months. WHAT'S WITH ALL THE FREAKIN' SWEATERS?!"

But I had nobody to say it to. So I left the sweaters hanging there and walked out of the stores.

Mom is taking me to the outlets tomorrow to see if we can find something. We'll see.

I suppose I could just wear one of the five outfits that I have worn all along. I mean, sure, everybody has seen them a billion times, but their pretty cute, right?

Anyways, I think we have finally found a home for Pippin. And guess what? It's with the same family that got Max! (Remember Max? The previously-abused lab that we rescued?) She said that Max is lonely when she's gone (which is only about four hours a day), and he's getting fat for lack of excersize. There are a couple Jack Russel Terriers that live next door that will come play with him, and (she says) it's the most excited he gets all day. So she's been looking for a smaller, more active dog, to come live with them.

This would make me feel so wonderful! I know that she is taking great care of Max, and I know she will do the same for Pippin.

The best part is that I get updates on them from her every now and then. She will email or send pictures or whatnot to let me know how they are doing, and her little boy LOVES dogs.

So. That's good news. I cried a little when I first posted Pippin's pictures on the site where we were going to "advertise" him. But as soon as I heard from this lady again, I felt 100% relieved.

Well, I suppose that's it for now. Life is (finally) kind of dull.

No complaints.

Have a great weekend!

PS haha! B yelled out another woman's name in his sleep two nights ago... KELLY CLARKSON! *hahahahahahahaha*

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