T-Day and Christmas

Well, Thanksgiving is over.

This year's T-Day was the best year I've had since B and I have been together. You see, being the child of divorcees (is that a word?), I am usually forced to attend two separate Thanksgiving meals. Then when B and I started going together, we had to add his family's meal to the day also. Count them: that's THREE thanksgiving meals in ONE day. That's enough turkey to stuff anyone.

But this year, my dad changed his to the Wednesday night before. It was so nice. We got to sit and have coffee after dinner (instead of rushing off to the next gathering). At all three places, we had plenty of time.

Granted, we still didn't have time for the game at B's parent's house. But maybe next year they will start earlier so that we can be there for the whole thing.

And now, on to Christmas.

I'm really excited about Christmas this year too. Because, once again, the parents got some sense in their heads. My dad's family is going on a trip in January to Pigeon Forge. That is where we are supposed to spend our "Christmas Money" instead of buying gifts for everybody. I think this is a GREAT idea. I never remember what people get me for Christmas, but I don't think I will ever forget that weekend in the mountains with my family last year. B's parents heard about what my dad was doing, and they decided not to do any gifts either. They said that they might buy CJ some things, and maybe give us a little money, but when we all get together - it will be to play games and watch sappy movies, rather than to open gifts.

My mom's family is probably doing the same thing now.

Now, I know what you are thinking... "But what is Christmas without gifts?!"

It is exactly what it is supposed to be - a time of enjoying family and friends and focusing on Christ,rather than on our climbing credit card statement.

So. Since I have very little Christmas shopping to do (we are still going to give all the grandparents a framed picture of CJ), I can just focus on my hubby and baby.

Like C, I am already pullin' out the Christmas tunes. And I think we are going to cut down our tree this Saturday (since there is no UGA game).

CJ is getting so big. She has started cooing and making other random noises when I talk to her. If someone is singing to her, she tries to sing along with all her coos. It's so sweet!

I definitely enjoy this "stage" of motherhood better than the infant stage. When she was an infant, she seemed so fragile. And there was no real "reward" for taking care of her - besides a few all-nighters and a lot of dirty diapers. But now, she smiles when I smile. And she giggles when B plays with her. She has a little personality and a lot of love. It's so fun!

Welp. I guess that's it for now. I hope everybody had a good holiday!

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