Day 7

Wednesday, 01/17/2006, Day 7:

I really want to go on the SL retreat. Really. I miss everybody so much, and I really feel like the Lord could have something for me there.

Just reading AB's entry makes me want to cry! I would give anything to be there with you all! But God said "no"... for now...

So maybe I'll get to go on the retreat...

But we'll have to see...

My boss... you know...

Life is finally getting back to normal today. Things are unpacked and put away. House is fairly neat. Meals are planned for the upcoming week. I feel like I can finally relax a little.

The Lord has really been revealing to me the little ways that I can show B my love. Just things like, lay out his clothes (at least clean socks and undies) the night before. Or pack little snacks in his bookbag before he leaves for campus in the morning. And it really seems to be working. He is becoming much more supportive of me... like he used to be.

Last night, instead of popping in a movie, he got a couple board games down, and we played for almost three hours! It was so much fun!


As far as the fast itself is going, I feel much better today than I did yesterday. I made a couple smoothies to bring to work with me for an afternoon pick-me-up.

I also found out this weekend that I really like the Lipton Green Tea with Lemon and Gensing. Add a little honey and *mwah* perfecto! So I will get some of that at the grocery store tomorrow morning.

Spiritually... things are just average, I suppose... at least from what I can see...

Some of the old temptations have been rearing their ugly heads. But somehow that encourages me... that, if I can withstand, the Lord has something great at the other side. Otherwise, why would the enemy be trying to keep me from it?

"His mercies are new every morning."

Thank God!

I think we are going to see the house this Saturday. I just have to remember what the Lord has promised and that this is really His house. Then I don't get too scared.

Well, I guess I have run out of things to talk about. Maybe I will be back later...

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