Back to the Basics

This morning when I woke up, I stepped over the huge pile of dirty clothes in my floor, tripped over the curling iron cord that never got put away and was still plugged into the wall, and staggered into the bathroom. Once there, I accidentally knocked an ENTIRE ROLL of toilet paper into the potty and subsequently dropped my toothbrush into the overflowing trashcan. Next, I dug through the MOUNDS of clean, but yet-to-be-folded clothes to find something decent to wear. Finally dressed, I dragged myself into the kitchen where, while attempting to fill up my coffee pot, I sprayed water all over the counter and floor (since my sink was too full to use the actual tap). As I headed out the door, I tripped over a baby doll and stepped directly onto a glass mug which (of course) shattered under my weight. After searching the house over and finally finding the broom and dustpan (which were in two different places) I cleaned up the mess and left.

That was my morning.


And it was during the drive to staff meeting this morning when I realized I have let my life get out of control once again.

I had said at the beginning of this year that, because of my busy schedule, I was going to cut out most (if not all) extra-curricular stuff. That I would only hang out with friends if my house was clean, my baby and husband taken care of, and my homework done. And I did this for several weeks, with MUCH success in all those areas.

But little by little, other things have been crowding those priorities. Little events at the church, coffee out with friends, family get-together's... all of these things, while important in and of themselves, have now cause my house to fall apart, my abilities as a mother and wife to falter, and my gpa to diminish.

Therefore, I am once again resolved to take my life back.

As of tomorrow morning, I'm back to my original motto: Do everything. Do it well. Be happy about it.

And when I say everything... I mean everything that is important.

Yup. Yup. Yup.

In other news, the announcement will be made tomorrow night that the buses are no longer running.


I'm so relieved. I honestly feel like a HUGE weight has been lifted.

I don't even feel guilty about it because I KNOW it's what the Lord is calling us to do.

I didn't make the decision, and neither did N. Of all people, our PASTOR made the decision during staff meeting today. *yippeeee*

So... that's pretty much it for me. I need to go pick up the house before B gets home.

Toodle Pip.

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