And he's off... to the other side of the world.

They got B's resume and they really want him.

They're paying for his flight... and all other expenses... so that he can go for the interview in June.

It looks like he'll be working directly for the church... maybe? Their English is not very good; so we'll have to ask lots of "clarifying" questions between now and then.

In the meantime, B needs a TB shot... and some other shots too probably.

He'll also need to verify that his passport is all that he will need for this first trip.

And, I suppose, get on the ball about getting his Visa and Work Permit.

So much to do; and only 2 months to do it.

In the meantime... well... in the meantime - nothing.

I really don't have anything to do.

I am very excited for him. I'm so excited that I want to do everything FOR him so that **I** can make sure he has everything that he needs.

But that's not my job.

My job is to support him and love him and let him work through this thing.

That's my job.

Okie... Dokie...

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