The NEW new plan...

Scratch that (previous entry)

Everything remains the same EXCEPT...

Start teaching when Baby2 is three (not one). Forget nanny... both babies will be in Pre-K. I will be 28, and if I teach for 20 years, we'll both hit our early retirement goal of 50.


That was a close one.

Still not sure if I actually WANT to teach. But having the same holidays as my hubby... and summers off... well, lets just say there are worse things I can do with my degree.

HOWEVER... the OTHER problem with this plan... only 2 kids (not the FOUR that I want.)

But... as I pray about this whole thing, I really have a peace about the children thAng. It's not that I necessarily have a peace about only 2... it's that I feel like the Lord's will is going to be done in that area, regardless of what we plan.

So... yeah... that's pretty much it.

Wouldn't it be AWESOME if we spent our summers teaching in Korea?!

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