
Job offer #2 just came rolling in. Location? Are you ready for this?


Seriously. We have some friends (a married couple with two small children) who have worked with a missionary training institute in Hawaii for the past 4-5 years. When they heard about our grand adventure to Korea, they started "talking" over in Hawaii.

So now, they're here on a 2-3 month visit, and we saw them at church on Sunday.

He said to B, "Hey, when you guys are finished up in Korea, but before you come back to Georgia, you need to give me a call. We think we have a position for you guys in Hawaii."

Aloha, baby!

Of course, we don't know (and probably won't know until we're ready to make that phone call) how much they're offering or what, exactly, the job is.

Still, it's fun to think about these things: Korea, Kenya, Hawaii!!!

Good things, y'all, and good times.

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