I want what I want

I'm tired today, and fighting a migraine.

I'm also really struggling with patience.

I haven't heard back from my job yet. I've emailed the agent, and she still wants to hire me. But there's nothing either of us can do without getting corporate approval.

I'm supposed to start licensing on Monday, which means I need to know by Friday if I got the job.

I also went to see houses with TY yesterday. One was great on the inside, and in a nice location, but it had a tiny yard.

If nothing else, yesterday (and its 6 houses) helped me narrow down my priorities. Since we plan to be in this house for several years, I want what I want. I was a large yard, and hardwood floors, and a bonus room for guests to sleep in, and a master bath with a garden tub, and lots and lots of closets. I want room to garden, and I want trees. I want a 2-car garage, and I want a dining room. I want lots of windows and good insulation.

I want what I want.

And I'm frustrated that I don't see it available anywhere.

lol. I sound like a toddler.

I think I'm just tired today. On a better day, I might be able to have faith for all these things.

Today I think I will take a nap before heading over to the church.

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