disappointing fairytales...

Sometimes I wish I could make people feel exactly what I feel exactly when I feel it.

That's very selfish, yes?

I know.

I'm sorry.

But I do wish it still.

I drove home (an almost 4 hour drive) today.

Well... not exactly straight home. Oh no! I had to see Brandon first... before he went to his study session.

I couldn't wait! I squeeled the whole way home! I couldn't wait to run in... jump into his arms... and... well... you know the rest.

I ran up to his door...


He turned in the kitchen...

came straight to the door...

and barely smiled...

a side hug...

and a turned back...

He finished fixing his Ramen noodles, sat down and ate, and told me about his day...

I sat across from him... slightly disappointed... but trying to understand.

He has two huge exams tomorrow, you see. He's under a lot of pressure, ya know? He had to hurry to make his study session, right? I mean, I was a little late. (Not that I could help it with all the Atlanta traffic).

So now that he's gone... and I'm home...

I can be honest.

I was disappointed... very.

I expected a little more, I guess.

Maybe I shouldn't.

I just saw him yesterday. Don't be a ditz, Brandy!

Wow... that's life, huh? You get all worked up... determine you're going to play the drama queen in a fairy tale of true love...

And your prince has other obligations.

Exams will be finished on Thursday.

Then we have the weekend... with no money... but each other.

He'll probably sleep.... he's worked hard this week.

The heart that hopes the highest falls the furthest.

Things will be better.

I'm still praying for him exams to go well... that's all that is important now.

I think I'm going to bed.

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