romance wanted

I could really use a little romance right now.

Not kissing...

Not having fun...

Not just hanging out...

I mean real, true, honest-to-goodness romance.

The kind in which he sweeps me off my feet.

The kind in which he isn't so tired.

The kind that makes my heart race and my palms sweat.

The kind that I store in my memory to take out later... in more difficult times.

I could really use that kind of romance right now.

He's still in exams though. And, as I said before, those are the most important things right now.

Romance will have to wait.

I will have to wait.

He doesn't have money for romance now anyway.

I just realized how much I write about him in the diary thing...

I do have another life, ya know?

But most of my life is Brandon. I admit that without any shame.

I don't think that's a bad thing.

Woah! Why am I defending myself to myself?

*woah buddy* I'm tired.

I could really use some romance.

I'll have to wait.

Yeah... so that's all I'm feeling right now.

Pretty blah.

My family is in turmoil... but for once I'm the peace-maker and go-between... it's not such a terrible place to be.

It's much better than being on one side or the other.

I miss Brandon. Oh, I know I get to see him... like today for a whole 3 hours.

But I mis HIM... who he usually is... without exams... with money... without stress.

I'm really glad we're going through this time because I get to see him under pressure... not bad.

However, I miss just TALKING with him... about things other than school work and money.

I miss holding his hand when we walk.

I miss walking beside him.

I miss being in the same room with him... even when he's sleeping.

I miss him.

The funny thing is... I'm home... a mere 7 minutes away from him... and I miss him more now than when I was at school.

At least when I was at school, we talked.

But exams are over in just a couple more days.

I can wait till then.

Well, I'll probably wait longer... he needs his rest.

As long as the insanity stops sometime... I could really use some romance.

I'm tired... I'm going to bed.

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