pitty party (is that how you spell it?)

I forgot how cleansing it is to write... this is my third entry today... I could write 5 more... but I will stop with this one.

It's Friday night. I'm home alone. Parents in Canada. Brother on a date. Fiance working. Friends a million miles away.

*lets have a pitty party, Brandy.*

Nah, I don't really feel like it. I'll get a lot of work done around the house. Or I won't. Maybe I'll just rent a bunch of sappy chick-flicks. I do get kind of frightened in that big house all alone.

Maybe I'll take a trip to good ol' Jittery J's. I could use some coffee.

Actually, it is kind of nice to have a night off. I miss Brandon terribly.

I wish I could talk w/ him.

Sorry... I know I'm whining. I think I'm tired... which makes me irritable.. which makes the world seem terrible... which makes me even more tired.

I've been at work all afternoon and have done nothing. I suppose I should actually work now.

Nah... there are only 35min. left in the day. I'll go check my mail.


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