
I just got finished reading the rough draft of the Sparkle! notebooks for the upcoming school year.

They are so incredible amazing.

It's so weird. Usually, when I hear of a ministry that is so annointed, I want to be part of it... NOW! I get restless and eager. I want to drop everything I'm doing to go join the ministry!!

But not so with Starlite! It's so weird. I mean, I am really excited about it! I mean, REALLY EXCITED! But it's like I have a total peace about my roll in the ministry. I know I am where I am supposed to be. And I know that, in God's timing, I will do my part for the ministry.

For now, I am content... yes, I did say content... to sit on the sidelines and cheer them on.

It's so weird. Such a God thing. When I think about other areas of my life... a new house, a baby, a career, a car... I get anxious. I WANT IT NOW, LORD!!!! But with Starlite!, I am CONTENT (there I go again) to say, "In your timing, Lord."

But then I think about it. I don't think I pray over any area of my life as much as I pray over the ministry aspect.

It is the area in which I spend the most time praying that I have the most peace.

Interesting revelation.....

Also, I think because I KNOW that B and I are going to do this thing, I don't have to worry about IF.

But God can take away and IF that I have about other areas of my life too.

I know, I'm rambling.

I think I need to pray. Nope, gotta work. Can I do both?

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