Another Friday night, and I ain't got nobody....

Friday morning at work - so much to do and so little motivation to do it.

I'm not going to Atlanta with Jenn because she had already made plans to go out of town, and she forgot until yesterday. B already made plans because he thought I was going to Atlanta. So I have nothing to do. He told me to call JP and the girls, but I feel weird doing that. I mean, they rarely call me when they go out to do stuff. (The last time was June.) So I feel like I'm butting in if I call and invite myself.

*sigh* Maybe I should just go to Cleveland. If C is preggo, then I could go clean her apartment for her... it would give me an excuse to go visit. I really miss having friends around.

There are several girls in some of my classes that seem really neat. Especially in my speech class. But I don't have their numbers, and even if I did, I would feel kind of lame calling and saying "Hey, it's Friday night, and I have nothing to do. Wanna hang out?" I'm sure they all have things to do... this is a party town, ya know.

Anyway, I know, I'm lame. I need to get a life. But the getting of said life requires stepping WAY out of my comfort zone and into NEW territory. I'm just not sure if I'm ready for that yet. Although, I'm getting pretty desperate. And "desperate men do desperate things." So I might be getting desperate enough...

Maybe I'll call JP... that seems like the least risky thing. All she can say is, "Sorry, I already have other plans." Right? Right?! RIGHT?!!??!!!

Or maybe I'll just rent a chick flick and stay home tonight.

Such a loser.

God, where is the "Ruth" you promised me? huh? huh?! HUH?!!!!

Yeah... Naomi had to go to a foreign land to find her. Maybe I just need to step into my "foreign land."


Chick flick it is.

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