mindless ramblings of the brain-crunched being

Well, I've stopped studying for the night. Granted, I could study for another three hours and still not be prepared enough. But I don't think I can fit any more information into my little brain, or it might explode.

So Rita is set to hit Texas. There are several prophecies floating around now about a great "cleansing" of the nation that is going to take place. I wonder...

Okay... enough about the serious stuff. I'm boring myself...

Welp, C thinks she's preggo again. I sure hope she is. I can't wait to start shopping for baby stuff!!! *yay* Also, I want her to be healthy, with a properly functioning body. If she's not preggo this time, then it means she is sick again. God, I hope not.

I think she is "with child" this time.

Brandon is still doing math... blah blah blah.

I can't wait for this weekend. Jenn and I might be going to Atlanta to a "prophetic worship" service. I'm really excited about it.

I'm ready for that connection now, Lord. Whenever you're ready.

Okay... I know... random thoughts.

I really just want to go to bed, but not without B. Oh well.

So... I have nothing else to say. If anyone is reading this out there... pray for me tomorrow... exams and all...

peace out

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