the pregnancy and the dreams

Alright! I just got three grades back today, and all of them were better than expected.

I think my expectations have lowered, though. I expected to fail, and I got a C.

When was a C ever good enough? Oh well. I just want to graduate at this point.

So, yeah... about C's pregnancy.

She had called me last week to tell me that she took the test and that it was negative.

I didn't say anything because I didn't want to get her hopes up, but I did think it was possibly still too early.

So Saturday night, I was over at my mom's, C called. I knew when I heard her voice that she was pregnant. I just knew.

"I'm pregnant!!!!! I just took the test, and I wanted to call you!!!"

I screamed and cried. She screamed and cried. J still hasn't grasped it. =)

*whew* Well, I'm so glad that she finally knows. I'm glad the waiting is over.

I mean, I know that wasn't nearly the "hard part" but the rest seems easier. At least now she knows. Although, I guess all that is easy for me to say; I'm not the one going in to labor in just over 8 months.

I'm really happy for her. So happy. I hope AB doesn't schedule a shower without talking with me. I would not be a happy camper.


I've been having a lot of dreams recently about being unprepared. I had a dream that I was at a church play, and one of the actors had completely disappeared. So from on stage, the director asked me to come up and play the part. I didn't know any lines or blocking. And when I tried to read the lines, the lights got in my eyes and I just studdered. The play ended up ending early because I couldn't get my act together.

Then I had another dream that I was supposed to be singing a duet at a wedding. But the morning of the wedding, I had not even heard the song, and I couldn't find my partner to practice. This was never was resolved. I woke up just before the wedding was starting. The mother of the bride was handing me the sound tract for the first time.

And those are the only two I can remember! There have been so many more that I don't remember. I just wake up with this extreme sense of incompetency, inadequacy, or even unpreparedness. (Is that a word?)

Hmmm... I wonder what is going on in my mind *sarcasm*.

With Starlite! and the potential agency and everything... I DO feel unprepared and inadequate.

I guess that is what is so cool about God.

"God doesn't call the qualified; He qualifies the called."

Oops... gotta go to class.


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