1980's Movie

WEll, my hubby brought home a corny, dramatic, 80's movie... Russians and Cubans invading the U.S. in the "future" with AK47's and three tanks... yeah... that's realistic.

I skipped classes again today. Such a slacker. I've got to get back on track.

Work tomorrow. *good attitude* *good attitude*

I went to visit my grandparents this afternoon. Graddaddy only stayed for a few minutes, but I talked with Grandmother for several hours. She was telling me how Graddaddy's mind is slipping... he repeats himself... and he forgets things... a lot.

I know it's bad, but I don't want to know. It's the same as when Grandmother was sick... I didn't want to know anything.

I'd rather live in denial... or in ignorance... knowing that they are going to live forever.


Anyway, it was nice sitting with her... hearing about the family... listening to her childhood and early-marriage stories... for the 50th time. Really, it was nice. I could quote most of the stories word for word... but I loved hearing them... hearing her tell them. I'm so much like her. I realize it more every day. I'm glad. I hope my daughter... or grandaughter is like her too.

Well... Granpa is coming into town tomorrow. Poor mom. She's so tired. And here she has to entertain her inlaw... and take him to Savannah. I pray she doesn't get a migraine. That would just be too much.

Welp... I'm off to finish the - *ahem* - movie.

What were these people thinking?

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