A bit of mindless rambling... and a Pumkin Spice Latte

*whew* What a day!

Well... I found out that I can get a "C" in my INTL class IF I get high "A's" on EVERYTHING ELSE FOR THE REST OF THE SEMESTER. Sure. That can happen. I'm such an air head. I have done the assignment... worked really hard too... and then... when the time comes... I FORGET to turn it in. I mean, it would be one thing if it had happened only once. But no. Not for me. It has happened THREE STINKIN' TIMES. I'm such an air head. Too much on the brain.

But it's okay. I can handle a C. It will be difficult. But I can still keep my scholarship. *sigh* When did I become so mediocre?

Oh well.

Other than that, it has been kind of a nice day.

I got in bed late, so I pretty much slept through my first two classes. haha! I'm reading back over my notes, and I can see the places where I drifted off to sleep. My handwriting gets worse... and worse... until it is illegible scribble that falls of the page. (I always woke up when my hand fell off the page). haha!

So... I skipped my third class and went to Starbucks. Ahhh... my sweet weakness... Pumpkin Spice Latte. Mmmmmmmmmm... I'm seriously considering starting a petition to have it offered year round. I mean, it's just to good for only two months a year!!!!

And to think... just a few years ago, I was opposed to the "corporate monster" of Starbucks. I can't even imagine a life without Pumpkin Spice Latte's... I mean... HOW DID I SURVIVE THE COLD MONTHS ALL ALONE WITHOUT THE SWEET TASTE OF PUMPKIN PIE, WHIPPED CREAM, AND COFFEE SWIRLING AROUND... DANCING ON MY TONGUE? OH! WHAT A WORLD! WHAT A WORLD!

Tee hee.


I'm going to B's mom's house tonight to have dinner and watch a movie with his mom and his sis. His dad works night shifts this week, and B has midterms. So we opted for a girl's night. I'm excited. I am always SO VERY GRATEFUL when someone else cooks for me. I mean, seriously. How often does it really happen? I just go, sit down, eat a DELICIOUS meal, don't have to work for it, don't have to worry about how much it costs. It's really the greatest gift someone could give me right now. A small release of responsibility and stress.

So nice.

Well... I really have nothing else to write about. Perhaps I will come back later with a more thoughtful entry. This one has been kind of random.

My life is so planned out, I need a bit of randomness.

Thanks for listening...er... ummm.. I mean... reading. Anyways, thanks.

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