Sister Act Rambling

Welp... yet another day of skipped classes...

and... heck yeah... my 8am class was cancelled anyways! I'm darn tootin' happy that I picked today to skip.


So, I slept 'til about 10am. Then at noon, I headed over to my dad's. That's where I am now. It has been a VERY relaxing, and may I say, guilt-free day.

Somehow, I don't feel guilty for slacking when I am doing it with my dad.

B isn't coming tonight b/c he wants to play ULTIMATE FRISBEE. *boys*

I really don't have to much to say.

Cleveland Tomorrow! *yay* *woot* *wew hoo* *yippeeeeeeee*

I can't wait to see C.

"If you wanna be somebody, if you wanna go somewhere, you better wake up and pay attention."

Good ol' sister act... it's on TV right now.

Anyways... C... I'm really excited.

"Yo! Fatha' Mo-reece!" hehe... this movie cracks me up.

I'm only on my second caffeinated beverage of the day, and it is already 5pm. Perdy darn good, eh?

Mmmmm... chicken stew for supper... and grandmother's key lime pie.

I have eaten three DELICIOUS meals this week... and I didn't have to cook one of them! Not to mention all the leftovers!!!! *heck yeah*

"Sister Mary Clarence is no ordinary nun."


That would be cool if someone said that about me...

"Sister Mary Brandy is no ordinary nun."

Hehe... I kinda like it. I think, maybe, I was a nun in a past life. Ya know, when I was in high school, during the whole guys-are-the-spawn-of-satan period, I said I was going to run away and join a convent. Not a bad idea.


Married... oh well... I suppose I shall have to pick another career.

*man* that girl can sing!

Aww... that old monk is tearing up. *so sweet*

Okay... sorry ya'll... this was completely pointless.

I'm going to go finish the movie, I s'pose.

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