101 Random Things About Me

Okay... so I saw this on oomm's diary, and thought... eh... what the heck. I'm sure I won't finish it today, but never fear! I shall return to finish it soon. I need something to get my mind off all this crap... and this seems very self-searching and psychologically cleansing, and all that crap. So here it is....

101 Random Things About fellikerain:

1. I have only dyed my hair three times, and
2. Two of the times I came out looking like a middle-aged woman.
3. I totally crush on the dorky, intellectual type of guy.
4. I totally married the cool, sporty kind of guy.
5. I'm not cool or sporty.
6. I am dorky and intellectual.
7. I used to think I was right about every political stance I took....
8. Turns out, I was wrong about most of them.
9. I'm a political science major.
10. I hate politics.
11. I believe in love at first sight.
12. I have never experienced it.
13. I've known my husband since I was three.
14. I have a cat who thinks he's a dog.
15. He drinks out of the toilet.
16. I have a dog that thinks of himself as the most ferocious beast who ever lived.
17. He only weighs 4 pounds.
18. I work at an insurance agency.
19. I think the term "work" is relative.
20. I love being female.
21. When I was growing up, I wished I was a boy.
22. I was twice the size of my first middle-school boyfriend.
23. I squished him on the tilt-a-whirl at the fair.
24. With my second middle-school boyfriend, I had a gushing bloody nose on our first date... during a picnic.
25. He tried to kiss me in the back of my parent's car, but my stepdad kept asking him a question every time he would lean in to do it.
26. I'm really glad he wasn't my first kiss.
27. My husband was my first kiss.
29. I think my life is a lot more interesting than it really is.
30. I like country music.
31. I tell everybody that I hate it.
32. I'm very picky about friends.
33. I hate it when my friends are picky.
34. I can tell within a 5 minute conversation what DISC personality somebody has.
35. I can tell you what DISC personalities I don't get along with.
36. If you are a personality type I don't get along with, I won't tell you what type you are...
37. I'll just smile and walk away.
38. I forget to say "bye" sometimes...
39. When I think a conversation is over, I will just walk away.
40. I am really good at pretending to listen, even when I'm not listening.
41. I can tell when other people "fake listen."
42. At work, one of my job discriptions is "IT girl"
43. I hate computers... and I don't know anything about them.
44. Friends tell me I'm like the "mom" of our group.
45. I feel like the baby.
46. I left out number 28.

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