Climbing over the rubble

OKay... I have to catch the bus in like 15 minutes, and the stupid space bar on this library computer only works half the time. So forgive me if there are several typos.

Well, it has started. The journey back ... not to where we started... but to where we should be.

I think now that it will not be as easy as I thought it would be.

There is so much fear inside of me.

But things were so much better yesterday.

We still didn't talk much.

But he looked at me... I mean... in that way.

He didn't look past me, or through me, or even in the other direction.

He looked into my eyes.

That is why I know things will get better. That is why I know that we will continue trying.

I told him I wanted to go to a marriage seminar.

He said, "Not during the school year."

Okay... so I'll wait until summer.

This is a journey, I am realizing. We only took the first step by tearing down the walls that were in our way. Now we will have to climb over the rubble, dust ourselves off, and learn to walk again.

But God is in it.

We are doing youth group together tomorrow night. I'm going to ask him if he wants to pray with me tonight for the youth.

We'll see.

This will never get off the ground until we are open with each other spiritually.

I have no idea where he is in that area. I don't even know if he prays.

I mean, I'm sure he does. I'm just saying that I never know what he's praying for or how to pray for him.

In the past, I have been scared to ask.

But we have got to move past this.

And prayer is the key.

So I'm off to catch my bus. Perhaps I will return later today to ramble some more.

P.S. I'm so excited! I'm going to get my doggy a cute little sweater! *yay*

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