The Rumbling

Okay... I am totally flipping out. You remember the other day when I said that I was sitting in speech class and I heard a rumbling/groaning sound and I saw an army marching out? (See previous entries).

Here is yet another prophecy I received today...

Joni Faith Ames:

The Lord again spoke to me about thunder. God speaks in the thunder. There has been much rolling thunder, and I believe He is speaking.

I live between two Air Force bases: Hurlbert (special operations) and Eglin (flight training). One morning, when I woke up, I heard a lot of "booms" that rolled and shook the area. I said, "Lord, is this thunder or are they on maneuvers?"

He said, "Both. My angels are on maneuvers, and I'm speaking in the thunder because the battle is heating up."

The Lord speaks in the thunder. In John 12:28-29, a conversation between Father and Son is recorded. The Father made a promise that He has and is going to again glorify His Name. Those that stood by just heard thunder. We don't want to be those who hear only thunder when the voice of the Lord speaks.

Years ago, someone had a prophecy that the Lord was bringing forth "Sons of Thunder" in worship. Don't take that term as gender specific. If the men can be the Bride of Christ, women can also be "Sons of Thunder!"

I believe deep is calling unto deep, and His Thunders are speaking to to the spirit inside of those "Sons (and Daughters) of Thunder" to call them forth for such a time as this. James, the son of Zebedee, and John, the brother of James, were referred to as "Sons of Thunder," due to their passionate (sometimes volatile) personalities. Some even refer to James as "the lightening bolt." I believe they were also soul winners, and the Lord is bringing forth His "unconventional," passionate soul winners.

There is a territorial war over our nation in the heavens right now.

"The kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force." -- Matthew 11:12

Yet we know to fight; it is "'Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit,' Says the Lord of hosts" (Zechariah 4:6), and that ". . . The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds," (2 Corinthians 10:4).

Many others have commented recently about the thunders, and I believe that the Lord truly is speaking. Like Samuel, we need to say to the Lord, "Speak, Lord. Your servant is listening," and then do just that: LISTEN!

"Hear attentively the thunder of His voice, and the rumbling that comes from His mouth." -- (Job 37:2)

Hehe... so very cool.

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