Response to the Quiz

Warning: This entry is full of ponderings about my conceited self. I will talk about myself a lot and probably not talk about anybody else.

If you don't like it, get over it. It's MY diary.

If you do like it, I think you're kind of weird.

So there.

(*geez* I think I just lost half my readers through sheer rudeness. My apologies.)


Considering the previous entry, I would like to make some comments on my test results.

I would like to start off by saying that I feel I know myself pretty well. I know who I am. And the person I know is not based on other people around me.


I do often wonder what people think of me.

This quiz scares me a bit...

Statement #1: "Prisses are the smartest of all female types."

Response #1: These people should see my upcoming grade report. That'll show 'em how "smart" I am.

Statement #2: "You're highly perceptive, and confident in your judgements."

Response #2: Correction - I APPEAR confident in my decisions. On the inside, I'm always doubting if I've done the right thing.

Statement #3: "You'd take brutal honesty over superficiality any time--your friends always know where they stand with you."

Response #3: Okay, you got me. True statement.

Statement #4: "You're completely unfake."

Response #4: "Oh, absolutely never fake," she says through her forced smile, bleached teeth, and two-inch-thick makeup.

Statement #5: "You're also excellent at redirecting internal negative energy."

Response #5: I don't even know what that means.

Statement #6: "These facts indicate people are often intimidated by you."

Response #6: If that's true, it really sucks. I don't want to intimidate people. Maybe that's why I have no friends...

Statement #7: "They also fall for you, hard."

Response #7: Show me ONE example, and I'll show you someone who just tripped over my shoe.

Statement #8: "You have a distant, composed allure that many find irresistible."

Response #8: If I'm so irresistible, why am I alone so often? Maybe it's because I'm so friggin' intimidating. *sheesh*

Statement #9: "If only more of them lived up to your standards."

Response #9: Once again, I don't think this is true. Maybe it is. This is one of those things that I wonder about other people... do they see me this way? If so, that sucks, once again.

Statement #10: "You were probably the last among your friends to have sex.:

Response #10: Nope.

Statement #11: "And the first to pretend that you're pregnant."

Response #11: Ayup.

Statement #12: "Though you're inclined to use sex as weapon, at least it's not as one of mass destruction."

Response #12: How exactly is sex a weapon? I tried to google it, but came up with nuthin'.

Statement #13: "You're choosier than most about your partners."

Response #13: Okay.

Statement #14: "A supportive relationship is what you're really after."

Response #14: Yuh huh...

Statement #15: "Whether you know it or not, you need something steady & long-term. And soothing."

Response #15: Hello, B.

Statement #16: ALWAYS AVOID: The Playboy, The Loverboy

Response #16: Aww... no fun. *wink*

Statement #17: CONSIDER: The Manchild

Statement #18: Been there, done that, got married.


So I don't think I agree with numbers 4,5,7,8.

I hope 6 & 9 aren't true.

This is when I wish D'land let me have some feedback here. I'd really like to know what others think about this quiz.


Okay, enough self-absorption for one day.

*mmmmmm* chocolate cake...

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