The Holidays

And so, the holidays are over. It was a good year. Still busier than I would have liked, but not as rushed as past years.

Everybody seemed to like their gifts.

I got WONDERFUL presents, as well as some money to go shopping.

Went shopping Monday and Tuesday. It was nice because it is the first time I have been "me" shopping since I got married. Great fun, lem'me tell ya.

So... that was my holiday, in a very small nutshell


I have so much to write about, I'm not sure where to begin...

First of all, my favorite part of the holiday was B. He was absolutely wonderful.

We have far fewer fights nowadays. He is my friend again, not just my husband. It's back to the way it was when we were dating. I'm so glad. It's such a relief. He is my home again.

My least favorite part of the holiday was... hm... I don't think I have a least favorite part. I guess that makes it a really good Christmas



The New Year is coming up. Time for resolutions and promises, followed self-imposed guilt trips in February.

So, in keeping with tradition, here is my list of "New Years Resolutions":

1.) Lose weight.

2.) Study more in school.

3.) Work harder at my job.

4.) Keep my house cleaner.

5.) Keep my car cleaner.

That's it... that's my list... traditionally.


However, over the last couple days, I have been asking myself, what do I really want out of this next year? By this time in 2006, what do I want to look back and see? And here is what I came up with..

1.) I want to know God more. I want to literally hide His word in my heart. I want to grow in discernment so that I recognize what is of Him, of me, or or Satan. I want to be swept into His presence daily. And I want to dance with Him in the secret place, as we have done in the past.

2.) I want to love my husband better. I want to learn what pleases him and makes him a better man, and I want to do it with all of my heart. I want to see him grow in the things of God, and I want to be there along side of him as it happens.

3.) I want to daily be in God's perfect will.

That's it. That's all I want. No New Years resolutions, no fake promises or unrealistic goals.

My quiet time has become non-existent. Since the attacks have subsided, I have not felt the urgency to press into the Spirit.

But I received a Word this morning entitle, "How to Awaken the Womb of Your Promise":

"When you are dealing with God and the desires of your heart, you must master the art of hearing strategies when it's silent. God is so incredible that He has the capacity to speak soundly when things are so very quiet. You must learn how to hear the Word of God that's assigned for you, even if it doesn't materialize in a regularly scheduled worship service or gathering. At times, God will speak to your heart without informing you that He is about to speak to your heart (see I Samuel 3:1-10)."

I heard God so very clearly in the midst of the roaring battle. But now that things are quiet, I no longer try to hear Him.

That is going to change. I want God. I need the Holy Spirit. I love Jesus.

I want to dance with Him again.

And that is all I want for 2006.

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