The news


... it's not the end of the world or anything...

... just a slight change in plans...


... a BIG change in plans...

Polycystic Ovaries - that's what she said.

One ovary has probably stopped working already - hence, the light periods.

She was surprised I had a period at all on those months.


"It just means you may have to get pregnant sooner rather than later."


Oh that's all?

"Do you have any questions?"

Uh... yeah...

But I couldn't think.

"I'll have questions once we get the blood work back."

"We can't get the blood work until your next period."

"That's the end of January."




I feel a bit dumbfounded.

Overwhelmed, really.


I called C...

She said it could be God's way of telling us that it's time...

B had that dream... (see previous entries)

And then there was that night with my, the Holy Spirit, and "my baby"...

... which now I think was God's way of preparing me for today...

... like a promise of a child inside of me...


I need to spend some time in prayer tonight.

I told B. He didn't seem too worried.

Well, he was quiet.

I guess that means he was worried.

God will take care of us.

I know it.

I really am not that worried.

It's just a bit overwhelming.

God will take care of us.

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