Update, update, update

Still sick today. Blah.

Still can't seem to work up the courage to talk about the prophesy... at least not all of it.

Some of it, I think, may have just been a conception.

Let me explain.

My tendency is to think that everything the Lord tells me is something that is happening RIGHT NOW. But I am beginning to realize that God does not work on my time line. He does things in His timing.

And I think part of my prophesy was the Lord's way of conceiving a dream... or a vision... in me. It may have many months or years of gestation before the physical birth, but I know it's there. And I know that as long as it's there, it will eventually come forth.


And so that is why I don't want to talk about it right now.

And that's why I can't talk about it.

It's the same reason I can't answer the question, "Do you hope it's a boy or a girl?"

I don't know. I don't care. I just want it to come and be healthy.

And that's how I feel about parts of this prophesy.

I don't know how it is coming.

I don't know when it is coming.

I just want it to come in God's timing and with the purpose of glorifying Him.

Does that make any sense at all?

Probably not.

Doesn't matter.

Makes sense to me.


Here is what I am believing for..

1.) A 100 fold return on the $20 seed. (That's $2000... to replant.)

2.)A house big enough for a baby's room.

3.) A financial increase for B, along with a job that is EXACTLY where the Lord wants him.

That's what I can believe for now. I feel as though I should try to believe for more. But Mrs.DD said herself to only believe for what your faith can handle.

And let me tell you, believing that we will get a new house with a baby's room... before the baby gets here... despite the fact that I'm getting fired... and despite the fact that B makes peanuts... is quite a faith feat for me.

The $2000 is the first step towards believing for the larger things the Lord has promised.


I can't remember what I have written in here over the last couple days. This entire week has been a bit foggy. So for my own sake, I'm going to recap:

GB told JS (the girl I work with) that they need to start looking for someone to replace me, with two stipulations.
1.) She has to work full-time.
2.) She has to be as "good" as me at the job.

This means two things for me:
1.) He is officially letting me go - no part-time option available.
2.) As soon as he hires the new girl, there will be no time period for me to stay with her and train while I look for another job - he wants me out.

So, I have to look for a job now.

I hate job-shopping.

What I really want is for B to get an INCREDIBLE job that makes a lot of money. Then the pressure will be off me to get a job that pays a ton. THEN I can work where I want, and for whomever I want. And I won't have to worry about hours/pay/etc.

And so once again we are back to believing for more moolah for my hubby.

I need to find more scriptures about what GOD says about financial increase.

He is moved by His word, not by need, right? Right.

So I need to find His Word.


The Lord led me to read in Ezra a few nights ago. I have never read that book before.

The first chapter is basically where Cyrus, King of Persia, gives the Israelites permission to return to their land and rebuild their houses, as well as God's house, the temple.

Not only does he give them permission to go back, but he gives them everything they need... AND MORE... in order to do it. Most of what he gave them had belonged to them originally anyway, like, before the captivity.

And I see the similarities... I mean, not that Cleveland was captivity.

But, bottom line is that Athens is home... for me and B.

And when we moved to Cleveland, we went completely into debt. I mean, there were definite times when the Lord provided for us. But it was tough, financially speaking.

And I feel like now, in our return home, the Lord is getting ready to give us back all that we lost... and THEN SOME. Because, bottom line, it all belongs to Him anyways.

So that's where everything is at.

I'm just believing in the Word.

B has been absolutely wonderful! He is turning into such an amazing man of faith. I mean, if God said it, B's excited about it.

I love it! I need that in my spouse. God knows I do. Thank God for B!

We are going out to dinner and a movie tonight. *woot*

Date night!


Well, I suppose I should get back to work.

Oh! I went job shopping online this morning - NUTHIN!

All the more reason to believe that B will find something incredible. Or, rather, that the Lord will give him something incredible.

Okay... I'm really going to work now.

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