Sick, Sick, Sick


I am so very sick today.

Those prenatal vitamines are kicking my butt.

Not to mention the bladder infection.


You bet I am.

It seems like forever ago that I was writing, "I love being pregnant."


Today I feel like screaming "GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT!"

Anything seems better than this... including a screaming infant.

But I know that it's all part of it.

Still totally convinced it's twins.

Totally convinced.

Go in for my next ultrasound on Tuesday. Hopefully, they can tell us something a little more conclusive. Like, there is a baby in there.

Last time we just saw a little black sac.

Hehe... when my mom saw it, she said, "Does B know you're having a black baby?"

Haha! She's a funny, funny lady.

Fell asleep on my lunch break. Got back almost 10 minutes late.


Okay... I'm done complaining for the day.


I just want to go home and sleep.


Nah. GB would not be happy.

Although, these days he's not too happy about anything.

So what's the difference?

I think I'm gonna stick it out through everybody's lunch break. Then I might try to cut out early.

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