This job...

I really need a new job.

GB already made a girl in the office cry this morning.


He knows better than to talk to me the way he talks to her.

Still, a happy office environment he
does not make.

3 hrs. 50 mins.

That's all I have left for this week.


I know that the Lord has the perfect job lined up for me and B... in His timing.

And I know that me getting a new job right now... during the middle of the semester... is not the best timing.

So I'm sure the Lord is just waiting for a better time...

One prophecy I received in my email said that this is a season of opportunities. But that we HAVE to move in God's timing, because if we don't, we could completely miss what He has for us.

So there.

A new job is coming... I just have to wait for God's timing...

Which means not losing my cool.

And not quitting my job.

And waiting.

With patience.

Okay, Lord, okay.

I know, I know.

In Your timing.

I know.


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