The End of the Interview

I happened to remember one rather important detail that I left out from my interview Monday night...

At the end of the interview, I shook hands with Dr and his wife. I said goodbye to my cousin (who works in the front office) and I waved at the other ladies in the back.

Opened the office door which led into a cooridor of similar doors leading to other doctor's offices.

And as I let go of the handle, I remembered something...

The door slams.

No, not slams... I mean CRASHES angrily into its sturdy frame with such a thunderous ruckous that can probably be heard across town.

I learned this the first time I used it, when I was walking into the office.

I was hoping to stand in the lobby a moment to gain my composure, before introducing myself to my *hopefully* future boss.

But, alas, the door SLAMMED with a mighty thud, behind me, announcing my entrance to the entire office (as well as, I'm sure, every other office along the tile cooridor).

But now, the interview was over.

So here I was, leaving. Trying to make my last lasting impression.

As I turned to walk away, a panic thought hit me: "Don't let the door slam!" My body moved faster than my mind.

Swing those hips around to allow my hands to reach the nob...





Yep, I fell flat on my face.

Left knee first.

Then right hip.

Then right palm.

Then face.


Right in front of God and everybody.


As the door SLAMS shut behind me.

At least nobody in the office saw me.

Just a couple meandering nurses in the cooridor.

And that one cruel cleaning lady who "forgot" to put up the "wet floor" sign.

She was on the other end of the hallway... concealing her delight, I'm sure.

If I were her, I would keep a score chart. "Yes! 10 points for the doctor! 7 for the nurse! and 50 for that chick who thinks she's so hot and just made a total arse of herself!"

So... I hobbled down the cooridor and out into daylight...

Being careful not to slip on the wet floor that led to my exit... and not to break my beloved 3-inch kill-my-feet heels.


What a day.

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