
Happy Monday, dear readers.

C arrived as scheduled yesterday. *woot*

We had a nice evening of talking and catching up. It's good to see her again. I forgot what it's like to have somebody so close to where I am in life.

Yeah, you should have seen the bed... snoogles (pregnancy pillows) and big bellies. Hehe.. .quite a sight.

But, alas, I had to get up and come to work this morning.

The good news is that I actually do have a lot to do; so I won't be staring at the clock tick by all day.

My loving hubby, who gave up his side of the bed without complaint, spent the evening at A's apartment - "The Bachelor Pad" as we call it.


Soo... sorry... not too much to say today.

Kind of tired this morning.

Went to bed late last night.

Although, these days, late is after 9:30pm.

Man, when did I get this old?

I'm not old.

I'm pregnant.

There is a difference.

I feel like I need coffee this morning... or some kind of pick-me-up.

Oh well.

I suppose that's all I have for now.

Perhaps I will think of something more inspiring later today.

Perhaps not.

Perhaps I'll actually do my job today.


Perhaps not.


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