Randomness and Plans

So many things going on right now.

Yet nothing particularly worth writing about.

First of all... diaryland is totally DEAD this afternoon... seriously, people, UPDATE!

I'm dying here!

So I suppose I will just start with work:

So JS has been out sick every day this week, meaning I am doing BOTH of our jobs in the THREE days that I'm here.

As a result, GB wants me to come in tomorrow (Saturday) to "get caught up."

Now, normally, this would REALLY bother me. But I was actually beginning to feel like this week gave me a bit of job security... possibly.

Then, on Wednesday, GB said, "Do you know how to do a worker's comp app?"

Me - "No, but I would really like to learn."

GB - "Well, you need to learn. We're gonna need you to know how to do that."


So... trying very hard NOT to get my hopes up... I went about my work.

Then, this morning, he walks into my office with something behind his back.

He says, "I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your hard work and what you do to make this agency what it is. And I also want to give the baby its first gift."


I almost fell out of my chair as he pulled out a beautiful yellow baby blanket, with our company logo on it (of course).

A peace offering perhaps? Considering that I do not talk to him or even look at him unless absolutely necessary.

Or his way of saying that I'm staying?

Or just a kind gesture, so I know he doesn't (or no longer) hates my child?

Who knows? But it was a kind gesture. And perhaps I will allow myself to hope a bit.

Bottom line, I DO love my job.

He is a bit of a prick... well... not even a bit... and probably worse than a prick... you get the idea.

But if I can stick with him long enough... then maybe I can get the agency... and I can do my job... without him around.


We'll see what the Lord has in store.


I feel the baby move a lot more now.

Mainly within a half-hour of eating, my little one starts flipping around.

I don't feel anything certain... like an elbow or a foot or anything... just flutters.

But still, it gives me the confidence that my little one is just a moving away... and enjoying the food. =)


B and I are probably going this weekend to look at some duplexes. We think we found a 2-story one in a nicer neighborhood than the one we're in now. It has a DISHWASHER (Hallelujah) and an ATTIC FAN (Oh, where have you been all my life?) and a well-manicured GRASSY LAWN (no more pine needles)!!!!!! Does that not sound great?

We still have to find out how much it rents for, though. The real estate agent is supposed to call me back around 3pm today.

So, we'll see. We'll see.

There are a few others that we have our eye on, but this one seems the most probable.


So... B has decided to stay at his current job. I can't remember if I wrote about it before, but he was thinking about working at my uncle's cabinet shop. They pay about $3.50/hour more than his current job does. BUT they are only open from 8:00am-4:00pm Monday-Friday. Which is opposed to B's current job which is open 7:30am-6:00pm Monday-Friday and 8:00am-1:00pm on Saturdays. So, because of his school schedule he could actually make MORE working where he is (that is, if they give him the raise he is expecting) because he can work more hours. PLUS, with his observation hours starting next year, his schedule will be so sporadic that probably only his current job would work with him.

SOOOOO... he's going to ask for the raise... and if they give it to him (as he expects)... he's staying put.

I'm glad, really. While he seems to be more and more disliking the job... it is familiar to him, and they will work with his school schedule. Also... he is not stressed when he gets home... which is WONDERFUL compared to his last job in Cle-Vegas.


Okay... so... I told you I didn't really have anything to talk about.

We might go to Outback tonight... or Applebee's... we have gift certificates to both... OH the decisions! I can't make them! *aaaaaaah*

Okay... it's almost 3pm on Friday, and I am quite ready for the weekend.

QUITE ready.

Hope you all have a lovely one!

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