Easter and Baby and All the Little Bunnies...

Well, what a weekend.

Happy be-lated Easter everybody!

R came to stay with us again this weekend. We had her Friday and Saturday night. On Friday morning, the doctor gave JS's grandfather two days to live. JS said, "I don't know what I'm going to do with R. I just don't want her spending Easter at the hospital."

So I offered to let her stay with us. Why not? We were going to church and then family lunch and then an Easter Egg hunt... what kid wouldn't like that?

And so, we met JS on Friday evening and picked up R.

Saturday was good. We went to the grocery store, made an Easter Bunny cake, dyed Easter Eggs, and generally had a good time.

Sunday was a little more difficult. She wanted to try children's church. But she wanted us to go with her. We went and stayed for about 10 minutes, but as we started to leave, she started to cry.


So she sat in church with us. Which, honestly, I think she probably enjoyed more anyways because we were having an Easter Play.

Then we went to grandmother's house. R would not leave our side. She wanted to be with me or Brandon every second we were there. I couldn't even go to the bathroom without her tearing up.

Now, were I not in my current situation... that is, pregnant... this might not have bothered me. But as I'm already very clumsy and having to pee every 10 minutes, her clinging to me all the time only led to me stepping on her and... at one point... leaving her sobbing at the table with my cousins.

It was all very overwhelming.

But then the egg hunt came, and she got to know some of my little girl cousins. The rest of the afternoon, I barely heard two words from her. Although other little kids told me they were playing princess, then building a tree house, then riding "wagon ho'" (A "ride" that all the kids love where my grandaddy hooks up 4 or 5 little red wagon to the back of his lawn mower in a train-like fashion and then yells "WAGON HO" to let all of the children know that the train is taking off.)

So... towards the end of the day, it was much MUCH better.

I also felt a little better about her going home this time. While she absolutely would NOT talk with her mom on the phone during the weekend, she seemed ready to go home.

That was a little relief.

So... that was my weekend.

Rather stressful, if I do say so myself.

In other news...

I think my whole "nesting syndrome" is FINALLY kicking in.

I got up TWO HOURS early yesterday. Why? So I could wash dishes and do laundry. *woot* And as I'm sitting here at work, trying to concentrate on the task at hand, all I can think is, "If we don't go to dog training class tonight, I can get THREE WHOLE LOADS of laundry washed, dried, and put away before I go to bed. And you know what? As much as I LOVE the training class, the thought of doing laundry is almost tempting enough for me to stay home.

I just hope this lasts... well... forever.

This is the kind of housekeeper I have always wanted to be.

So... until it fades away, I will Clean Clean Clean until my heart's content.

Oh! And also...

I am officially 16 weeks today. Which means two weeks from tomorrow I get to see if my baby is a boy or a girl!

Friends recap:

Monica - "Do you realize the wedding is in 14 days? That's only two weeks, baby. TWO WEEKS!!"

Chandler - "Do you realize you get louder every week?"

Hehe... anyways... I absolutely cannot WAIT!

Right now, I don't even go into the baby section unless I'm shopping for someone else because, quite frankly, it's no fun. I can't buy anything until I know if it's a boy or girl. (And yes, I WILL be one of those moms that dresses her girl in ALL and ONLY pink and her boy in ALL and ONLY blue. Sue me.)

And speaking of baby, P (my dad's wife) called last week. I would have written about this then, but quite frankly, I was in a very pissy hormonal mood ALL WEEK last week. Anyways, I think I've mentioned before that she and my dad have an almost-new 3-in-1 baby bed that they want to give us. Well, she said that she went to where they bought the bed, and there was all sorts of other matching baby furniture. She said, "Go pick out whatever you need, and we'll get it for you." *woot*

Cheklist item #12:
Get baby room furniture.


And Check PLUS.

So... that's it, I suppose.

At least, that all the time I can afford to spare from work.

Don't laugh, I'm serious. I'm actually DOING work today.

Well... most of the time anyways.


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