
C, I would advise you not to read...

So, third entry of the day, and I really don't have time for this.

Last night, before the ball game, the wife of one of B's team mates came over to talk to me and my MIL.

I missed the first part of the conversation because I was focusing on getting Pippin to sit-stay (a trick we had just learned the night before).

But I jumped right back in as I heard the lady say to Bev, "You aren't old enough to be a grandmother."

"Well, I've got one on the way" Bev smiled, rubbing my belly.

It was at this moment Pippin found an opportune barking companion as he and a little terrier made conversation across the ball park.

By the time I had snapped him back in place and convinced him, once again, to sit-stay, they had moved on to another conversation - or so I thought.

"That's when I was pregnant with the first baby," she sighed as she reached in to calm one of the two toddlers that were fidgeting in her stroller.

"I carried it until I was four and a half months. But then I lost them. It was terrible. I had to go through labor and everything."

I should have left right then. But I didn't want to appear rude. Besides, I'm already 4.5 months, and no problems at all.

I fixed Pippin in place again, and sat up to listen some more.

"Then I was pregnant with the twins. I carried them until I was six months. But then my water broke, and nobody told me I was in labor. They said the water was just leakage where the babies were bumping around too much. I sat in labor in the hospital for FOUR HOURS, without my husband or anybody, because nobody told me I was in labor. They still didn't tell me until I had already delivered the first baby."

I tried to tune her out, until I heard the words, "Neither of them survived."

And, still, she continues...

"Then with the third pregnancy..."

But THANK GOD an old friend showed up, giving me a wonderul reason to excuse myself from this god-awful conversation.

And as I'm leaving, she FINALLY gets a clue:

"Oh, sweety, I'm so sorry. I'm sitting here talking and thinking 'shut up, shut up.' You are going to be fiiiiine. See, God still gave me two little gifts."

I just gave her a half-hearted smile, "That's okay."


I told B about it later. He got really angry. I think that kind of stuff scares him a lot more than it scares me, but he could tell I was visibly shaken by the whole encounter.

I'm fine today. Prayed it out, and all that.

Just another random act of drive-by idiocy.

I'm surrounded.

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