May/June schedule


Got in bed around 2:00am. *yawn* Stupid math. I'm taking one of those "Independent and Distance Learning" classes. I have to turn in three lessons a week. I did two last week, each taking me about 1/2 hour.

So, I had 4 to do this week, and I alotted the *appropriate* two hours or so to get it done.

Started at 7pm, thinking I would be finished by 9pm, when I would sit and watch a movie with my darling husband.

And what happened? The math gods tried to destroy me. I did, however, get to spend a little *quality* time with B, which consisted of him tutoring me in the areas where I had the most confusion.

So, up at 7:16 this morning. Out the door by 7:20 (That's right, I got dressed in 4 minutes, baby! And I don't look half bad, if I do say so myself.)Off to campus to deliver the lessons by 7:30... got there at 7:28, two minutes to spare! Jotted down the road to Dunkin' Donuts where I totally PIGGED OUT. And here I am, pretending to have energy, really just needing a nap.

As for the week ahead... the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, I suspect.

I suppose we shall start with tomorrow when, in case you have forgotten, I FIND OUT THE SEX OF THE BABY



Then I shall head home for the afternoon, where I will bury my head in the books and attempt to pull myself out of this academic hole I have dug around myself. (Is dug a real word?)

Wednesday, work and church... which includes practicing for a drama that I just wrote. A little nervous about it since it has been well over a year since I directed my last drama, and that was not with highschoolers. Soooo... I suppose we shall see how that goes.

Thursday... A DAY OFF!!! So... I WOULD say that I was going to spend the day with my beloved darling husband.



It is the week before exams. And he has already warned me that I probably will not be seeing a lot of him this week. *sniffle*

The same is probably true for the weekend. I'm kind of glad he has so much studying to do because then it gives me incentive to actually do my studying. Good stuff. Perhaps I can pull out a "c" in that stupid class. We shall "C." Get it? C? See? Haha!

Okay... I little loopy this morning.

Next Tuesday is my last exam, and then... *WOOOOO HOOOOOO* I'm finally FREEEEEEEE!

Next Thursday is lunch with my pal Holly and a Mary Kay facial (for which my mom has given me $150)!

Saturday... here I come, Memphis! *YIPPEEEEEE*

Work full-time starting the next week... until...

Are you ready?...

I'm so excited...


We are FINALLY getting a vacation alone together for the first time since our HONEYMOON! We intended to go last year, towards the end of the summer... but neither of us could schedule the same time off.

So this year, we were determined, we are GOING TO GO SOMEWHERE FOR OUR ANNIVERSARY!

I have no idea where... not even sure he knows... but who cares?!?! I'd be happy just spending the weekend in a swanky hotel in Atlanta... I mean, I don't intend on leaving the room much anyways. *cheesy smile*

So... that's my next month planned out. Just a couple more weeks of drudgery before the fun begins!

Okay... I'm off to work now.


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