Saturday morning

9:30 on a Saturday morning, and I am at work. What a lame-o. Took "the boys" pancakes this morning. The ran by chick-fil-a for breakfast because, well, there weren't enough pancakes for me. I was actually glad, I like buscuits better than pancakes any day of the week.

So, here I am, fighting the urge to skip out and go to yard sales. There are SO MANY today, I just don't know what to DO with myself!!

So... we finally received their "official" written counter offer. Then we're going this afternoon to sign the paperwork to "officially" counter their counter. Then we wait. 24 hours. *smile* I just want to know that we have it.

It's such a cute little neighborhood, and it's really close to A's apartment (where all the guys live). That makes me happy because I don't have to worry about B falling asleep on his way home from "guys night" any more.

Okay... I'm procrastinating.

To Do Today:

1. Clean desk at work
2. Create a to-do list for Monday
3. Finish three math lessons and deliver to UGA.
4. Do homework and extra credit for POLS4030 (to be delivered on Monday's lunch break).
5. Sign counter-counter for house.
6. Watch "Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe"
7. Prepare lesson based on movie for tomorrow's Sunday School.
8. Develop drama for "youth sunday" based on "Go Forward!" theme. (Any suggestions from readers would be most appreciated.)
9. Enjoy a nice evening with my husband.

Okay... busy day ahead... I suppose I should get started.


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