I'm thankful for...

Not in a good mood today. Too many thoughts to process.

So instead of doing a true entry, I'll just tell you what I am thankful for.

1. I'm thankful for my husband. He's such a blessing to me. Came to bed last night about 30 minutes after I did. And he cuddled up really close to me, wrapping everything he could around me. And we slept like that... until he started snoring. =)

2. I'm thankful that God knows what He's doing.

3. I'm thankful that I don't have to.

4. I'm thankful that my mom felt a since of "relief" when she found out I was having a girl. Not sure why she did, except the Holy Spirit.

5. I'm thankful that not everybody has to like the fact that I'm having a girl because, no matter what, she will still be the most loved little girl in the world.

6. I'm thankful for friends who are genuinly happy for me, even when nobody else seems to be.

7. I'm thankful for a clean house (Three weeks and counting!)

8. I'm thankful for a new house.

Well, I suppose that's it for now.

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