Birthday Bashes

Good morning, lovelies.
Not much to report today. Didn't do any unpacking yesterday. Got home around 7pm. Ate pizza around 8pm. Fell asleep on the couch around 9pm. Got up about 12:30am. Went to bed around 12:32am.

It was poker night for the guys. I woke up at 12:30am when B got home. Exciting night, lem'me tellya.

Still suffering from the affects of that Pizza this morning. My stomach refuses to digest ANY food these days, so acid reflux here we come!!

I suppose I'm going to take my morning break to get some TUMS. Tum tu-tumtum TUMMMMMMMS! Does anybody else remember that commercial? No? Eh, oh well.

Unpacking more tonight, I suppose.

OH!! I forgot! I'm angry! At my in-laws!

Now, I realize that they have done SOOO much for me and B over the last few weeks. FIL laid down our new floors - for free. They let us use their credit card to pay for the floors, so that we could spread the payments out over the next month. MIL and FIL helped us move on Saturday. FIL let us borrow is "extra" car when mine broke down. I mean, they have been AMAZING.

However, last night, they made me rather angry.

First of all, let me tell you about Brock. You see, he's a really nice guy, from a fairly wealthy family. Plays tennis. Plays raquet (sp?) ball. Get along with everybody. All around great guy. We thing SIL has a little crush on him. And it is no secret that he has a HUGE crush on her. It is also no secret that FIL and MIL have a HUGE crush on him. When the four of them (FIL, MIL, SIL, and Brock) are in a room, FIL and MIL are CONSTANTLY pushing for the two of them to get together.

Okay, cute, whatever.

But here is what has upset me...

B comes home from poker last night (where SIL and Brock also were). He makes some sarcastic comment about how Brock is like FIL's new son. I jokingly say, "Awww... is somebody a little jealous?" But, all joking aside, he really was. B said, "Well, I feel like my dad is out with him every day. They play tennis and raquetball together. My dad NEVER has time to do that stuff with me. AND they are going to meet Brock's parents for lunch on Sunday."

Now, this may not seem like a big deal to start with. But, you have to understand the following:

B's birthday is this Sunday, as well as Father's Day. B was going to be the "good son" and put off his birthday stuff until next week so that we could have lunch with his dad. But, his dad said that they wanted to celebrate B's bday ON his bday. They would have a father's day cookout on Saturday night, and take B out to lunch on Sunday.

Now, FIL says, "Just kidding, we're NOT taking you out for your Bday. We're going to go out with Brock's parents instead."

*grrrr* This really hurt B's feelings. And really made me mad. B is feeling totally neglected by his dad, and I don't blame him.

Then, later in the same conversation, B tells me that THEY are planning a PARTY for B at THEIR HOUSE next weekend.

Hello? I'm his wife! Did it EVER cross your mind that ***I*** might be planning a party at ***OUR*** house. Did you even think to ASK?

I just feel like they are both being pretty insensitive towards me and B regarding this whole birthday thing.


Before I get too bent out of shape, I am going to email MIL. Because there has been more than one occasion where FIL was talking out of his butt about things that he knows nothing about. B and I would get all upset, only to hear from MIL later that FIL didn't know what the heck was going on, and he shouldn't have told us what he did.

So, I'm going to send her a friendly little email asking about the goings-on over the next couple weeks. Hopefully, everything that FIL told B isn't true.

But I suppose we'll see.

Anyways... off to send that little email... then back to training the new girl at work.

Later Gater

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