There's a bee in my blinds... I can hear it, but not see it

B was in such a good mood last night and this morning. Today is his first "teaching" day. He is going to follow a middle-school math teacher around and learn all about pre-planning. I don't know if I've ever seen him this excited about going to work or school. We bought him some "work" clothes on Sunday. I ironed them and got them all snazzed up last night. Dark kahki pants, brown leather shoes, brown belt, burgundy polo. hot hot HOT.

He was so excited. And so am I.

I think he also realizes that, pass or fail, this semester is FINALLY coming to an end this Friday.

And, as a result, I am FINALLY seeing the old B back in full swing. He even bought a t-shirt with a squirrel gaurding a pile of acorns that says, "PROTECT YOUR NUTS." Ahhh... I love that man's humor.

In other news... I am in pain. Not quite sure what it is. My ribs are sore, like all the way around. It hurts to lie down, to take deep breaths, or even to cough. I suppose it all comes with the territory.

Finally finished my registry... or so I thought.

There was a bit of confusion with my MIL. She is sending out the invitations to the shower, and she asked me where I had registered. I told her Target, for now, but it might be a couple other places too. I would let her know by the end of the week after I finished registering.

So I registered for EVERYTHING at Target. But she went ahead and sent out the invitations that said Target and Toys'R'Us. So, I am going to go out to dinner with her one night this week, and then the two of us will head over to Toys'R'Us to register for more stuff. I'm starting to feel quite greedy. My registry is big enough without adding a whole other store to it.

Oh well.

*le sigh*

I think Pippin is gone this week. We found a lady who runs a fancy dog adoption program. She will keep Pippin in her house until she finds another home for him. She pre-screens any prospective parents, and the new parents actually have to sign LEGAL papers saying they will be home for so many hours a day and they won't leave him outside for too long, etc.

She also lets us know when he has been adopted and by what kind of family.

So, it sounds like a good plan to us. I think we are taking him up there tomorrow night.

I am quite sad to see him go. He really was a good dog. But we just weren't home enough. And that makes him seem like a bad dog.

It's not his fault, and he deserves better than what we can provide him.

Then, as soon as he's gone, we'll start work on the baby's room. Get that closet and those drawers cleaned out, get all the furniture in, and *poof* we have a baby's room. *woot*

Okay... I suppose that's it for today.


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