New Love and Birth Control

AB, I am so sorry that it took me so long to respond. This has been a crazy weekend.

Obviously, I'm not in a position to tell you what to do. But I will say this: You seem to hear from God very clearly on many other matters; so why begin to doubt now?

I know that there were times in my relationship w/ B that I thought, "This is too scary; I am going to break up with him." But God told me to trust Him and leave this relationship in His hands. The reason your question made me think of this is because I had numerous conversations with God VERY similar to the one you wrote about. I cried MANY times from fear, telling the Lord, "This is too hard. Please don't let this hurt me. I'm trusting you by staying in this relationship. If this is going to end up hurting me (again), please let me out of it now." But I never got the release from the Lord. And now I'm so glad that I was obedient.

At the same time, I completely agree with C that you should just let the Lord move this love forward in His timing. Don't force anything. And don't hold back.

Whatever happens, know that I am praying for you. I know this is scary, but remember you have given your heart to the Lord. Trust Him to be a good steward of it, and He will give it to the perfect person for you.


*random change of subject*


I think I am going to get a Copper IUD. It has no hormones at all. It's highest risk is heavier periods, but this seems to be more common in women who have never had a baby. In very rare occasions, it can cause Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. But (according to the FDA) this is a VERY RARE risk for people who have no infection at the time of insertion and who are in a monogamous relationship. It also can last up to 10 years, but because of the lack of hormone use, a woman can become pregnant immediately after removal.

Financially, it will cost me about $300 if insurance pays for nothing. However, because I will be using it for 2 or more years, the actual cost is only $12.50/month, as opposed to $35/month that I was paying for birth control.

I am really going to pray about it over the next couple days, and if the Lord does not put a check in my spirit about it, then I will set up the date of the procedure at my appointment on Tuesday.

If you ladies don't mind, please pray with me about this decision. I really don't want to do anything that could mess up my body or my potential to have more children. If either of you feels or hears something from the Lord regarding this, I would really appreciate it if you would let me know.

Honestly, I am hearing nothing. In the past when I have heard nothing, it has been the Lord's way of saying that any decision I make is fine. His will is not going to be stopped either way (hence, the birth of CJ).

Still, I would really appreciate some affirmation that I am making the right choice.

Well, it's almost 11pm, and I have a lot to do in the morning. Hope to hear from you soon!

Lots of Love!

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