To Control or Not to Control... That is the Question

So I need some advice...

It's about birth control.

I took a pregnancy test last night, and it was negative.

But it all got me to thinking. What form of bc do I want to use?

I have a doctor's appointment next Tuesday, at which point I am supposed to discuss with her which bc I want her to perscribe.

But here is my delimma....

I was using the NuvaRing for the first nine months of my marriage. During that time, it was like I was having 24/7 PMS. I found myself more emotional, bloated, and angry than ever before. I also started gaining major weight.

At first, I blamed all that on the bc. And, true, when I finally went off of it, my hormones seemed to settle down and the emotional thing was under control.

As far as the weight gain, my doctor told me it is a side effect of the PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) which I have... or had... or whatever.

While the 24/7 PMS symptoms settled down after stopping the bc, some other issues popped up. Namely, lots and LOTS of pregnancy scares. Because of my severe PCOS, my periods would be anywhere from 2-3 days late, to an entire month skipped. I would occasionally go two months with no period. And during the times that I had skipped a period, I would have major prgnancy symptoms (engorged boobs, metallic taste in mouth, some abdominal cramping). I am also 95% sure that I had a miscarriage during the summer of last year, when all this stuff was going on.

So based on all that information, I think maybe I DO want to try birth control again.

But then there is the whole thing with me breast feeding. Do I really want my little girl taking in all the hormones that come along with birth control? What would be the long-term effects of having those in her system? Will I end up with a 9-year-old who's starting her period? How much will it increase her chances of having the same menstrual problems that I (and most women in my family) have had.

But is that risk greater than the risk of me getting pregnant again... WAY before we are ready for another one?

Sure, we could use condoms... and we do... but we still got pregnant with Chloe. So we all know that's not a sure thing.

So... my first question is this: Should I use birth control or not?

But lets assume for argument's sake that we DO decide to use birth control. What kind is best?

I KNOW that I am not disciplined enough to use any daily dosage (like the pill or minipill).

As I stated before, I did try the NuvaRing in the beginning. I might be willing to try it again now and see how I react to it. I really liked it because the hormones were delivered right to the needed area, and I didn't have junk going through my whole body. It was also nice because it was a once-a-month deal; so I never worried about whether or not I had remembered it.

Then there's the patch. Again, it's something I wouldn't mind trying. I think there are weekly and monthly patches. Either one of these sounds good to me. But I honestly don't know much about it. Have you tried it? Do you know anybody who has tried it?

I have even considered getting an IUD (intrauterine device). This one seems like the most effective and most practical for my life. You get it put in once at the doctor's office, and it works for five years, or until you decide to have it removed. However, while this one is most effective, it also seems like the one with the most risk. If the IUD becomes imbedded in the uterus(one of the complications of the proceedure), it can affect future fertility. If a woman does happen to get pregnant while using the IUD, there is a more likely chance of having an ectopic pregnancy.

So while I would really like the assurance that I can't get pregnant until I am ready, I'm almost positive that I don't want the risks that come with an IUD.

Anyway... those are my questions:

Should I use birth control?
What kind of birth control is best?

I would really love some input from you ladies.


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