A new job? Again?

I am having problems at my job... again.

I'm sure you all recall the issues I was having with my boss when I first got pregnant. For those of you who don't remember, let me recap:

He acted as if I had betrayed HIM by becoming pregnant.

"When can you work full time?"

my response: I don't know. I've never had a baby before. I can guarantee you 25 hours, and then work up from there depending on child care availability, etc.

He acted as if I had contracted the plague.

He even went so far as to tell me I should look for another job.

Then JS left.

And all hell broke loose in our department.

And I saved his behind on more than one occasion.

Then suddenly it was, "We are MORE than willing to work with you on this. Would you like paid maternity leave?"

So I had a baby. And I left for 7 weeks.

And it all started again...

First, the week before I was supposed to come back, I received a past-due health insurance bill in the mail, along with a hand-written note on a piece of scratch paper:

"B, since you are coming back part time, you will be responsible for your own health insurance. Thanks! GB"

Are you kidding me!?!?

I set up an appointment with him the following Monday.

I reminded him that *I* was the one who stayed here until 7pm and worked on Saturdays to save his butt. Sure, I am part time, but I am not some high school student he has hired to answer phones for 10 hours a week. I am his commercial lines manager, and a permanent fixture here. I also reminded him that there are certain customers who will deal with only me because of what I have done for them. And if I were an agent, I would consider that kind of employee to be worth a $130 monthly investment.

NOT TO MENTION that he had TEN MONTHS to tell me that he was not going to pay for my health insurance, but he chose to wait until a week before I came back from maternity leave?!


Finally, after a good bit of convincing, he agreed to pay for my health insurance.

Then, about two weeks after I came back, I started working 30-35 hours a week (because of what we had discussed during my pregnancy).

Then he came in last week and said he only wanted me here 25 hours.

And there are a lot of other little things too... things that are intangible...

Like giving S (the other girl in the department) the big policies instead of me. It's just stuff that lets me know I am being shunned.


And so I am torn as to what I should do.

There is a job opening at a tax firm here in Athens. It says no previous tax experience required as long as there is previous experience in an office setting, with Microsoft Office, preferrably in management. Check. Check. Check.

I have had their number in my car for three days - too scared to call.

Mainly, I don't want to step outside of the Lord's will. I don't want to move away from a job that He has provided for me.

But I also feel like a burden on my boss. I feel like he can't really afford me, but he is too nice to fire me for that reason.

So it might actually help him for me to find another job.

I just don't know what to do.

And I'm scared...

Because overall, this is a good job. I like what I do.

I just don't know.

I think I need to pray about it a lot more before I make a decision.


I am just so tired of not knowing where I stand with GB.

Maybe that's it... maybe I'm just tired...

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