It's Finally Feeling Like Christmas...

So, the reason for the previous melancholy tirade:

I started my period last night.



Check out:

Remember that prophesy that we got last spring about the white house with the big front porch? Remember how lots of people would be staying with us while God used it as a place of "ministry and restoration?" Remember? Huh? Huh?

Well, I found this property the week after that. It is literally at the center point of downtown Athens, and it is beautiful!

8 bedrooms

8 private baths (with clawfoot tubs, which I specifically asked the Lord for).

Fireplaces in the bedrooms.

INDUSTRIAL KITCHEN (which, again, I specifically asked for)

I'm just sayin' is all...


My grandmother, step-mom, sis-in-law, aunts, and female cousins are coming to my house for dinner tonight *woot*

I'm having baked Italian Chicken *yum yum*, garlic mashed potatoes, California-style veggies, and "Warm Winter Lemon Cake" for dessert.

Can't wait. Can't wait.

I really hope all my food turns out. I've never cooked an entire meal for this many people before. But I'm really excited about it.

My house isn't completely clean right now, but it is as good as it is going to get for tonight. I'll just close my bedroom door and all will be okay.


Got a NEW ENTERTAINMENT CENTER yesterday! It's a really nice three-piece one that B's parents were going to sell for $300. But when they found out that we were saving up for one similar to it, they decided just to give it to us. *woo hoooooooo*

It looks so pretty! We only have the main piece (that holds the TV) in there right now. But there are two side pieces that can be used as storage that we will be getting this weekend. It's so wonderful how the Lord works out little things like that.


I'm seriously feeling hyper because it's finally cold, and because I am having all these people over! Only half an hour! I think I'm going to POP!

Perhaps I will make white peppermint hot chocolate for a warm-you-up appetizer since they will have been out shopping all day.

Yum Yum


Okay, I suppose that's all. Pray my food turns out okay!

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